Monday, October 27, 2008


I feel like a definite change of pace is needed until those people are not "making" me feel like shit. I put quotes around the word making because technically no one can make you feel any specific way - we feel the way we do because of ourselves, no one else.

I had a really lovely night [and morning] with the guy last night. We went to a restaurant on the UWS for dinner, and I had a killer macaroni and cheese. For one of the first times in my life, I was aggressive and he certainly didn't mind, though he admitted he wasn't expecting anything! Every time I think he's great, he reveals something else about him that makes me think even better of him [this is why I gave him a tooth brush that is marked as his now, hehe]. Am I starting to like him? I have no idea . . . I'm just going to keep taking it slow.

Obama's "closing" speech today was amazing. When he mentioned one of McCains policies and people started booing, he paused and looked up and said, "No need to boo! Just VOTE!" And that was it, I officially love him. He's above all the counterproductive shouting and hateful comments, something the Republican rallies appear to endorse quite a lot. I'm so ready for election day to be here and over with!

After work yesterday, I went for a walk through Central Park because it was gorgeous out, and I took my camera with me. I liked taking pictures of the sun. My walk ended down at Strawberry Fields. I headed to Crumbs after and got a cinnamon apple cupcake! YUM!

My day off today was great, very relaxing. I went back to sleep after he left to get to work til noon, it was niceeeee. I still have a bit of re-organizing to do, especially of desk stuff. I'm getting Elizabeth: The Golden Age from Netflix tomorrow, yay! I spent tonight after something I had to do at work, I came home, and found out some jackass called me fat because he found out I didn't find him attractive... so I had to do some yoga after that. We all have our insecurities. That one only effects me when someone says it - otherwise, I like how I look.

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