Saturday, October 25, 2008

What happens on prom night...

Prom Night was so awful that it was amazing! I predicted every plot twist, every step of the way, but it was still incredibly suspenseful! (Yeah, that doesn't make sense to me either.)

I'm in the box office now - getting ready to open up soon. I'm trying to give away a bunch of my cookies to the cast and crew - I made too many!! I don't think I'm going to go out tonight again, I've got a full day ahead of me tomorrow [which I'm so excited for]. I'll probably do some yoga & crunches again, maybe meditate too. But if anyone would like to come over, drink some white zinfandel, and watch Becoming Jane with me, let me know!

I wish I could be burning all these movies that I'm getting off Netflix - does anyone have a good burning program that breaks the protection code off the DVDs? Please comment and let me know.

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