Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Did I ever mention...

I get discouraged easily? I haven't gotten a positive call in reply to my resume frenzy.... so I am very discouraged. I know, I know, it's been one day, but still. But while I'm not job-hunting, I have some other things to look forward to..

Wednesday night: plans with Adam (who I referred to on here once as Aaron)
Thursday afternoon: coffee with a friend
Friday night: Bride Wars with Amy in Lincoln Square.
Next Tuesday: Morning: Meeting with Jed
Afternoon: [Free] Haircut at Bumble and Bumble model school!

I got two new movies off Netflix today, and I went to the gym in my building twice.

This detox that I'm doing is ridiculous. Though I can eat, I'm eating a lot of carrots, cucumbers, and rice and I'm STILL hungry. If I can get through most of the day tomorrow, and Adam and I go out to eat or something, I'll end it then. Being on the fast has been a blessing and a curse at the same time. Not being able to eat normal things has kept me in the house applying for jobs and not spending money (which is good and bad), though staying in the house, applying for jobs, would usually result in me eating a lot of crap and I can't do that now.

That sounds confusing, but it's both good and bad. I can tell you right now though, I'm hungry.

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