Friday, January 23, 2009

A longggggggggg week.

Well, it all started with a late Sunday night, and a lazy Monday. The rest of the week was spent at my new job! I now work for a fantastic company processing amateur rights for plays. It's a lot more corporate than my last gig, but my co-workers are fabulous and lots of fun. One of them actually plays at Marie's Crisis on Monday nights!

I hung out with Lindsay, Dan, and Moises at the apartment that Lindsay's apartment-sitting for the week on Wednesday night, and then last night Lindsay hosted a dinner party! They bought the ingredients and I cooked! How sad is it when I'M the best cook in the place? But Italian food + wine + good music = fun!

I'm trying to get Jeremy to come with me to dinner.. and then I think I'm going to The After Party with Rhett? No cover also = good times!

I'm watching Made of Honor... it's cliche, trite, and EVERYthing I love.

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