Last night was one of the greatest nights I've had recently. I spent it at a party at ExitArt [a gallery] in midtown with Rhett, and we drank and cheered as Obama took New Hampshire, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

Then as the open bar closed and the chili that was being served ran out, we went back to my place, ordered turkey and veggie burgers and watched Obama take California, Florida, Washington, and Oregon... and the office of President Elect of the United States of America!
Five million people logged onto Facebook and said they voted. I woke up early and I waited in line for an hour and it was totally worth it. The lines were unbelievable. Rhett and I leaned out my window last night after the stroke of midnight when it was declared that Obama was the projected winner, and everyone on the streets were cheering all the way down to Central Park West, the people on the corner were screaming, people were honking their horns, and of course Rhett and I were jumping for joy. My aunt called me right away, as did my mother. AT&T service was failing because of how many calls were being made (Rhett couldn't make a call for a few minutes after the announcement!). I called one of my oldest and most dear friends in Florida and rejoiced with him too. If you put on CNN or MSNBC, you would see people celebrating around the world like it was the millennium again. I don't think such a celebrated leader could bring harm our way.

Elisabeth Hasselback looked absolutely sedated on The View today, and I do NOT believe she was being sincere, but as long as she's not causing riots, live and let live! McCains concession speech was definitely a "sad grandpa" and Palin looked absolutely STUNNED they didn't win. Go back to Alaska, woman. And all the Wall Streeters (including an ex of mine) saying, "Congratulations, you just elected a socialist!", please move to Canada (as you threatened and I do hold you to your word). I don't believe Obama is a socialist. I think that he believes people who make the most should be paying the highest taxes - which I fully agree with. Wall Street CEOs might have to settle with only make $500k a year instead of $700k. The anti-socialists are thinking about pure greed only. This country won't turn into 5 mile long bread-lines. At best, everyone would have some semblance of health care and not have to foreclose on their houses. God, that sounds AWFUL.
One awful thing from the election though were all the Propositions passing. It's awful, and I hate it, but if we are defining marriage based on what the BIBLE says, than outlaw civil marriages. You want a "marriage" - go to the church. Everyone, gay or straight, gets a civil union. That's one way to settle this. We are supposed to have a separation of church and state, let's act like it.
A former boss of mine edited his Facebook status last night to say, "It's not us versus them anymore. It's just us." and I totally agree. We have a leader than can unite us now (and aren't him and his family gorgeous?) and let's stop with the negativity and come together.
Well, you know,
We all want to change the world.

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